Saturday 13 September 2014

23.Spring - at last!

After what feels like one of the longest and most depressing winters on record, spring has arrived at last - maybe it was austerity combined with the weather but everything seems to have happened later than usual this year. I seemed to be waiting weeks for the sound of a chiffchaff, usually one of the first sounds of spring, and the 'Tetney Lock cuckoo' didn't announce its return until the 2nd of May. The return of our resident pair of Blackcaps has been a huge source of pleasure amidst the gloom and, though it can be difficult to locate, the male's uplifting song, belted out from a variety of favourite trees and bushes, makes the effort worthwhile.

The less said about the swallows the better; they weren't particularly late but the repairs to the stable door during the winter had closed the gap above the door and I was dreading their disappointment when they did arrive. Sure enough, as soon as they were here they made several passes close to the door before giving up and setting off to find an alternative nest site. I hope they were successful.

 At least the Bumble Bees could still find their way in. I have watched in awe their energetic comings and goings and tried to imagine the scene below ground. To my untrained eye they are Buff-tailed bumblebees and they seem to have moved into the home of a family of short-tailed voles, though why it was abandoned I will never know. As busy as they appear going in and out of the nest the distance they can fly in search of food is staggering. I was surprised to learn that they have been known to fly up to13km from their nest to forage and for a creature so lacking in basic aerodynamic features that is some feat.

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